How Much Does It Cost To Form A LLC In 2023?

business formation how to form an llc llc Feb 03, 2023

Most states require LLCs to file an annual or biennial report and pay an annual (or biennial) fee in order to keep their business active. The purpose of this report is to make sure the state has current member/manager and contact information for your business. The annual report (or its equivalent) is called by a variety of names in different states, including Annual Certificate, Annual Renewal, Annual Statement, Biennial Report, Business Privilege Tax Return, Franchise Tax Report, or Periodic Report. Check out our table below to see LLC annual fees and due dates by state

Initial and Annual Fees for LLCs

State Filing Fee Initial Report Annual Fee Due Date
Alabama LLC $200 filing fee + $25 name reservation ($236 total if filed online) None $100 minimum Annual, 2.5 months after beginning of LLC’s tax year
Alaska LLC $250 $0 $100 Biennial, January 2 every other year
Arizona LLC $50 None None No annual report requirement for LLCs
Arkansas LLC $50 paper, $45 online None $150 Annual, May 1
California LLC $70 $0 (Good news! California is waiving the LLC filing fee until June 30, 2023.) $20 $800 Franchise Tax (LLCs formed between January 2021 and January 1st 2024 are exempt for first year.)
$20 Statement of Information
Franchise Tax: Annual, Depends on registration date
Statement of Information: Biennial, End of anniversary month every other year
Colorado LLC $50 $1 (Colorado has reduced the LLC filing fee to $1 until June 30, 2023. Yay!) None $10 Annual, End of anniversary month
Connecticut LLC $120 None $80 Annual, March 31
Delaware LLC $90 None $300 Annual, June 1
District of Columbia LLC $99 None $300 Biennial, April 1 starting the next year following registration. Then every 2 years afterward
Florida LLC $125 None $138.75 Annual, May 1
Georgia LLC $110 paper, $100 online None $60 paper, $50 online Annual, April 1
Guam LLC $250 registration fee + $100 minimum business license fee None $100 annual report
$100 minimum business license renewal
Annual Report: September 1
Business License Renewal: Annual, June 30
Hawaii LLC $51 None $15 Annual, Depends on registration date
Idaho LLC $100 None $0 Annual, End of anniversary month
Illinois LLC $150 None $75 Annual, Before the 1st day of anniversary month
Indiana LLC $100 None $50 Biennial, End of anniversary month every other year
Iowa LLC $50 None $45 paper, $30 online, Biennial, April 1 on odd-numbered years
Kansas LLC $165 paper, $160 online None $55 paper, $50 online Annual, 15th day of 4th month following the end of the LLC’s tax year
Kentucky LLC $40 None $15 Annual, June 30
Louisiana LLC $100 paper, $105 online $0 $30 paper, $35 online Annual, LLC anniversary date
Maine LLC $175 None $85 Annual, June 1
Maryland LLC $100 paper, $155 online None $300 Annual, April 15
Massachusetts LLC $500 None $500 paper, $520 online Annual, LLC anniversary date
Michigan LLC $50 None $25 Annual, February 15
Minnesota LLC $135 paper, $155 online None $0 Annual, December 31
Mississippi LLC $50 None $0 Annual, April 15
Missouri LLC $105 paper, $52 online, None None No annual report requirement for LLCs
Montana LLC $35 None $20 Annual, April 15
Nebraska LLC $110 paper, $105 online None $10 Biennial, April 1 during odd-numbered years
Nevada LLC $75 filing fee + $200 business license fee $150 $150 Annual List + $200 business license renewal Annual, End of anniversary month
New Hampshire LLC $100 None $102 Annual, April 1
New Jersey LLC $125 None $75 Annual, End of anniversary month
New Mexico LLC $50 None None No annual report requirement for LLCs
New York LLC $200 None $9 Biennial, End of anniversary month every 2 years
North Carolina LLC $125 None $200 paper, $202 online Annual, April 15
North Dakota LLC $135 None $50 Annual, November 15
Ohio LLC $99 None None No annual report requirement for LLCs
Oklahoma LLC $100 paper, $104 online, None $25 Annual, LLC anniversary date
Oregon LLC $100 None $100 Annual, LLC anniversary date
Pennsylvania LLC $125 None $70 Decennial (every 10 years), Due December 31 in years ending in 1 (2021, 2031, 2041, etc)
Puerto Rico LLC $250 None $150 Annual, April 15
Rhode Island LLC $150 None $50 Annual, May 1
South Carolina LLC $110 paper, $125 online None None No annual report requirement for LLCs with default tax status
South Dakota LLC $165 paper, $150 online None $65 paper, $50 online Annual, Due on the 1st day of LLC anniversary month
Tennessee LLC $300 mimimum. For LLCs with over 6 members, add $50 for each additional member, up to a maximum of $3,000. None $300 mimimum. For LLCs with over 6 members, add $50 for each additional member, up to a maximum of $3,000. Annual, Due 1st day of 4th month following the end of the LLC’s fiscal year
Texas LLC $300 None $0 for LLCs with less than $1.23 million in revenue. Annual, May 15
Utah LLC $54 None $18 paper, $23 online Annual, LLC anniversary date
Vermont LLC $125 None $35 Annual, Due 1st day of 3rd month following the end of the LLC’s fiscal year
Virginia LLC $100 None $50 Annual, End of anniversary month
Washington LLC $180 $10 $60 Annual, End of anniversary month
West Virginia LLC $100 None $25 paper, $26 online Annual, July 1
Wisconsin LLC $170 paper, $130 online None $25 Annual, End of the quarter of the calendar year when your LLC was formed
Wyoming LLC $100 None $60 minimum Annual, 1st day of LLC anniversary month


How To Form A LLC In Your State

How to form an LLC, S-Corp or C-Corp in Your State

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